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Showing posts from September, 2014

Finally a chance to blog again :)

Dearest friends and family. It has been 6 whole months since my last blog. Things have been rather hectic on my side and we have been through a roller coaster of emotions and trials...but God has been there every step of the way :) My brother-in-law, Pieter fell with his bicycle (not a motorbike, just a normal bicycle) on the 22nd of May and was immediately unconscious. He went cycling with my father-in-law and they took the trail they always do. On their way back Pieter was in front and he went through a dip in the dirt road, not a very deep one but the road makes a dip. He went up in the air with the bicycle and on impact with the road the bicycle went out from under him and he hit his head against a rock. He was wearing his father-in-law saw it happening and when he got to him he was just lying there. He phoned my husband to come and help. By the time Quintus got there, Pieter still had not gained consciousness. My father-in-law had phoned the ambulance by then and t...