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12 weeks.....

My goodness, this pregnancy has been quite a journey so far! I have been admitted to hospital for 2 days (at 7 weeks) and last week Wednesday hubby took me to the casualties cause i had a terrible migraine that would not break for more than 24 hours. So my gynie said i have to go in to the hospital for them to check it out! They did blood tests to see if i had a viral infection or anything that was not right....but the tests came back clear. Got 2 kinds of drips and 2 injections...ouch!
We waited there for about 2 hours. I fell asleep because of one of the injections that was very relaxes muscle and tension.
So hubby got us something to eat and came back again...he had to feed me cause i had "no hands" lol! :)
One had the drip in and the other was connected to the machine that constantly took my blood pressure. That's another blood pressure is very low since i fell pregnant. But my mom said it was the same with her during her pregnancies. She was also constantly in and out of the hospital and very sick with morning sickness...guess i'm my momma's girl then :)
I have been very sick since week 5. Morning, afternoon and evening sickness. Heartburn and headaches! *sigh*
BUT the gynie told me all will be better after 12 i am counting the days for this week to pass....hopefully i'll be better by next week. I haven't really gained weight, since i haven't been able to keep alot of food in. I eat alot of yoghurt and salticrax. Not really craving chocolates, cake and sweet things...just salty stuff! Or not really craving, it's just that i keep the salty stuff in longer haha! I haven't really had cravings. I do love my Nesquick though...yummy!

Had a weird experience last night at church. We were still in service and i had a light headache and took something for it when the service started. And suddenly i felt my head pounding and i felt dizzy. So we got up to have communion and i almost fell while walking so hubby just stayed close, when we came back to our seats i just wanted to lie down! I didn't care what anyone would think at that moment! So hubby saw that i was in a lot of pain and took me to his parent's house (his dad is the pastor and they stay on the same premises as the church). I went to lie down and he took such gentle care of me...shame. Put a cold wet cloth on my head and over my eyes and made me some toast before i took more pain tablets. I fell asleep and woke up with the strangest pain in my left i have been lying on it too long, but i didn't. Oh my! When i got up and sat straight for a while it slowly started going away. Same happened again this morning...when my headache started i went to lie down, flat, no pillow and straight on my back with a cold wet cloth over my face. And after about half an hour that horrible pain started again in my left ear. So bad that i could not lie down any longer, it felt like my ear was going to burst the pressure was so bad! So my hubby is thinking it might be my sinuses, cause when the migraine gets so bad it's under my eyes and across my nose too. Very strange i'm telling you...will have to monitor it tonight and if it gets worse i am going to have to phone the gynie again.

So this little one has been keeping me sooooo busy! Running to the loo and back and have a mind of it's own what i'm allowed to eat and what not. And he/she really loves the attention they give us at the hospital hahaha! Shame my poor hubby does not know what tomorrow will be like, neither do i! He has been a great help and i am so thankful for a hubby like him! Could not have asked for better :)

Pls keep me in your prayers...don't know when my next update will be. Don't really have a bump to show off yet ;) But will post a pic as soon as i do have one!

God bless you all xxx


  1. Praying for you Leanna. What do you mean with heartburn? is it hurting? beating fast?.???

  2. I'm sorry to hear these few weeks have been so hard on you friend! Thankful you have a wonderful husband to help you during these times. Praying things improve soon for you!! :] going to make that little one all the more worth it in the end. Sending you love, hugs & prayers

  3. Thank you ladies! :)

    @Hannah: The heartburn is just a burning sensation in my chest and stomach...very normal they say during pregnancy. But it is better now. It's usually because of certain foods too...


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