Washing, washing and washing! :)
She got so much clothing at the babyshower, wow, i am so lucky! I bought 2 outfits during my pregnancy, the rest of the stuff were all gifts! I washed all her clothes, blankets, teddies and soft toys....you name it and i washed it lol! I can understand why they say you feel like cleaning and getting everything ready like a month before the baby arrives. I am experiencing that! But i am so excited, just can't help it! ;)
35 weeks :)
Starting to get really uncomfortable now...even though some people say i am not that big, i feel HUGE! The things that are bothering me a lot are my sore feet and back. Battling to sleep through the night...but it's only a little more than 2 weeks now and then i can concentrate on my little darling and forget these aches and pains! :):):)
Been having a strange kind of feeling these past 2 days, a sharp pain in my abdomen every now and again. I've had braxton hicks every day now.....phoned the gynae about the sharp pains, and she said to keep an eye on it but it's probably just the baby pressing down now. But i am taking it easy this week...our bags are packed and we are ready just for in case ;)
I will do my very best to update again with the last photos before going to hospital for her birth. Otherwise you will hear from me again once i am home :)
God bless and please keep me in your prayers!
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