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Photo update

Time seems to be something that passes by so much faster these days. I am sorry for being so quite with my blogs. 
Chanette is almost 21 months and she is discovering so many new things. Talking in her own sweet way and saying so many words now. It is so cute to hear her having a conversation when she does not know i can hear her and she talks with her dolls or say all of the names she knows like "oupa, ouma, daddy, mamma....and then she says my parent's dog's name "shadow" and she names her aunties and uncles....not all of their names exactly right but she tries ;)
She understands so well now and it is amazing how she looks at us and "copies" us. Just makes me realize again how big a role model we are and should be to our children.

Here she is with Shadow :)

The two of us on Mother's Day :)
So very blessed to have my girly to share it with!

She simply LOVES "Winnie the Pooh's Heffalump Movie"
hehehe :)
It is so hard to find decent movies for children...i am not much into showing movies...but when we do find something that is nice it is good to make it part of the collection (especially for those moments when it helps to keep them still)

Another funfilled visit with her cousin Luzelle :)

A mattress we have for her in our bedroom during the winter....this is how she fell asleep one afternoon :):):)

Another moment with the laptop...she enjoys pushing buttons and pulling it on her!

I saw my cousin again after quite some time and we got to catch up a bit! :)
Here we are with our girls!

Playing with her cousin Kayla :)
(6 months old)

Outside is the best place for her to be! She simply loves running around and getting rid of all the extra energy. But her outside time is more limited now during winter...very cold. 

On the back of her Uncle Piet's truck (bakkie)

Exploring again...hahaha! She is at a stage where her toys are not as interesting as Mommy's books and tupperware cupboard! But i don't mind :)

Sleeping beauty :)

She got a new bed this week from her Aunty Chandre :) and she simply loves it! She even helped her Daddy to assemble it.


  1. so sweet, I know its really hard keeping up with blogging with little ones!! it sure is nice to read your updates tho... hopefully winter will pass quickly for you guys so you can be out and enjoying the outdoors again soon :] she is adorable and growing so fast!!

  2. Yes it is hard...and it seems like the days are shorter and the list of things to do longer hahaha! Thank you for understanding :):):)
    We love warm yes, can't wait for spring and summer!


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