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Chanette and i have reached the 33 weeks mark...yeah!

And it's here!!! Oh my, every week makes me more and more excited about her arrival and i can't stop thinking about how it's going to be to have our own little family :)

I am planning on washing all her clothing this week and to be sure to get all of that ready. We got her bedding and mattress for her crib and oh it looks so cute. It is a little teddy bear holding a pillow, ready for bed. I chose light green because then i can use it for both a girl and boy. You can't really see the detail in the photos, but it's a cream background with the teddy, then the rest are check material of brown and white and just plain stone brown for the rest :)

The pillow is just for show, i still have to get her a flat baby pillow...(incase she likes sleeping on a pillow)

So, everything seems to fall into place now! We are going for an antenatal class on the 17th of Aug, it is the last one they have at the hospital before i have to go in for her birth. We haven't been to any of those we are excited :) 
I must say i am very relaxed about the birth...having a c-section on the 5th of Sept and i feel comfortable and at ease. I really, really can't wait for the big day! :)
It was so nice, the day we went to book my bed at the hospital the lady showed us around and explained everything about how daddy will come with the nurse and newborn baby just after she's born and will then get to be there for her first bath etc. So as she was explaining we heard people coming down the passage and here's a brand new baby from the theater with her daddy and the nurse.....and you could see he is in another world!!! :D hehe! So we got to experience that and it was pretty cool to see how it all would be then.

Many people have asked me, why c-section??? Some seem in total shock...don't really know why, but in the end i feel it has been my choice and i feel comfortable with it. My gynae also recommended it because i have such terrible back and hip problems. But i guess i am getting used to the different kinds of comments about everything pregnancy takes you through. You get those who say you look "beautiful" and others who just plainly says "you are getting fat!" OUCH!!!
But oh well, truth is i am getting fatter...hehe, but i don't need to be reminded! A pregnant girl has got a whole different way of handling such!

Week 33 has knocked me down a bit with cramps and pain that are new to me, i guess my baby is growing really fast now and my tummy has to stretch a bit i woke up more often last night and i had my moments that it felt like my stomach it being torn apart from the rest of my body, so that was all new. But then i just make sure to take a nap in the afternoon or sleep a bit later in the morning.

It is our one year anniversary on the 4th of Aug, so my hubby is spoiling me with a weekend away in the mountains. Last little break away before Chanette is here :)

I will update again when i get the chance. I don't have a photo for this week of me and baby...sorry ;)
God bless! 


  1. the bedding is soooo cute!!! it's coming down to the crunch weeks. haha!! so excited for you. Really praying you have a good recovery after your C-section! And you do NOT look "fat" but radiant and beautiful!!! you're creating a precious little life :]
    Happy almost 1 year of wedded bliss!!! < 3

  2. You look amazing! September 5th is my 15th wedding anniversary! So yay! for the birth date!
    C-Section isn't so bad... I had to have emergency c-section with my first son. The second son was a planned c-section. It's much easier on your body when planned. With my first, I had the surgery after 20 hours of labor and I was exhausted. The second wasn't nearly as bad and the pain was MUCH more manageable.
    Best wishes!


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