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Time is not standing still... :)

Kiara Lodge

Where has the time gone! Can't believe it's been about 5 weeks since my last blog. And so much has happened since then. We had a wonderful time on was so peaceful and simply breathtaking with the mountains around us. We just relaxed and loved every minute of it :) 

25 weeks

Little Chanette's cot arrived and i am so happy with it! We had to order it and waited a few weeks while they made it. My parents bought it as a gift :) 

All is going well with us both! Went for a scan on Tuesday and she is growing pretty fast now. She almost reached an extra 1kg since last month. She now weighs 1819g :) 
So cute and we got to see more of her little face this time, the nose, eyes and upper lip! Simply adorable haha! I am getting so excited now as time is getting closer for her arrival. I know it's still a few weeks to go, but i can't wait! So far her date of birth is the 5th of Sept.

My babyshower was on the 28th of June and was i spoiled!!! hehe! Got so many wonderful sisters made the day super special! :) loved it!

Table seating

My spot ;)

Table decor

My mommy and i :)

My sisters and i :)
Two NOT hehe!

One happy girl at 28 weeks!

Claudine and i :) She can't wait for her cousin to arrive...

I got so many gifts, it was amazing! I did not buy anything before the babyshower, cause i wanted to be sure i did not buy anything unnecessary. This pic below are just the clothing.... 

Blankets, vests, toys, toiletries for baby, towels and loads more are not in the pic. Can you imagine how excited it made me to look through all of these cute outfits and know that i will be able to dress my little girl in them soon?! 

I am so blessed :)

Only thing that's getting uncomfortable these days is sleeping at night...and getting up so many countless times lol! Swollen feet, backpain and heartburn are the new symptoms, but i am coping! ;)

My hubby is helping me every step of the way, whether it's with backpain, swollen feet or just a hug when i need it, he's there! I could not have asked for a better husband. He brings me something to eat and drink every morning before i get up and makes sure i'm comfortable before he starts with his work for the day. He works from home now which is great! He does his own thing and i go on with my daily chores etc. but it's so nice to know he's still in the same house. He works very long hours...i'm so proud of him!

So i am almost 31 weeks now...will update on photos again as soon as i can. I am not on the computer much these days now that hubby is working from home, but i promise to make time to blog! 

God bless you all!


  1. Look at all those cute pink clothes! I am excited to start gathering clothes. I can borrow enough to clothe probably 5 little girls, so I should not buy anymore until I sort through what I can borrow...

  2. Baby showers are so much fun and so exciting. With Elijah, I had three showers within one week! With Gabriel, I only had one shower, but that was fine. I received so many nice gifts. I can't believe you only have nine weeks to go! Wow! Time is certainly NOT standing still!

  3. Oh i just love all the girly stuff Leah :) can't wait to dress her up ;)

  4. I so enjoyed my babyshower, they sure are a great help and fun hehe! :) wow, three of them, you were lucky Nettie!

  5. wow! what beautiful pictures. You look incredibly happy w/your man! :] nothing like it. little chanette looks like she got quite spoiled exciting. love baby things! and your swelling, heartburn & being uncomfortable will be but a distant memory in a short time!! the old wives tale is heartburn means your baby will have hair!! in my case it was true!! :]]

  6. Thanks Amanda :)oh i am very happy :))))) an i'm glad it shows! :D
    Can't wait for the heartburn to!


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