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Starting a whole new journey :)

Of course the whole thing of not being able to sleep at night is true indeed...hahaha! But we can't complain, she is a very good baby, only wakes up for feedings every 3-4 hours and for nappy changing. She had bad cramps at 2 weeks and we took her to the pediatrician who gave us some meds and it's been much better since then....
But it is all a new journey indeed, challenging at times but fun and wonderful most of the time, so it's really worth it! :)

The Sunday of her dedication :)

1 month old! :)

Meeting her cousins!


  1. Sounds like it's going quite well for you new mommy!! Glad your pediatrician was able to help her get her tummy settled , that's hard when you can't help them when they cry...your looking amazing!!! Hope someday I can meet her in person ;)) xoxo

  2. Oh it is so sad to see her in pain and not be able to do anything to help...always just heard how hard it is now i know how it feels! So i am one happy momma that she is doing better :)

  3. It would be absolutely AMAZING if we could meet you in person one day!!! oh wow!!!!! :D


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