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Photos of Chanette during the past few weeks

Sunday morning :)
Another gift from a friend of mine in Cape Town...

Having a lovely time visiting at  my mom's house. My parents are a 5 min drive from our house :)

She loves being outside
I think she looks so sweet in this photo...
"Do you mean i can run around and be out of this chair by next summer?"

On the plot at my in-laws :) 

Getting there....slowly but surely

Sweetie pie!!! :):):)

All smiles!

Itchy gums!

BabyGym class :)

Making them aware of different smells... 

"Hello friend!" 

Mommy and me time <3

Visiting time with cousin Luzelle

So tired...Oupa singing me a song

Cousin Claudine and i 

Sister time :)

Lawrence, Claudine and Edward

5 Months :)

Yum-yum, Rolo ice cream!

A gift from a friend in New Zealand - Thank you Priscilla :)

Frances and Fairlight visiting from Mauritius 

Sitting in Daddy's chair

Playing with cousin Edward :)

"When can i have my own rollerblades Mommy?"

Chanette's last BabyGym class

On our way to church.....
Wearing one of her New Zealand dresses :)

to be continued.....


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